Organic Cannabis Growing using CGBS Agro products

About the Products

Non-toxic and safe to handle
Free from carcinogenic chemicals
100% herbal formulations
Ecofriendly and biodegradable
Broad spectrum of activity
Shall be included in the IPM/INM/IDM
Nano emulsion products
Application flexibility
Permanent in action

The Ingredients
Active Ingredients

Isolates, volatiles, esters, secondary and tertiary Metabolites from various herbs
Edible and non-edible fats

Inert Ingredients

Contains OMRI and EPA approved inert ingredients
Edible and non-edible fats

Disclean (Crop Disease Controller)

Unique formulation of various herbal extracts and their special fractions
Controls the bacterial, fungal, viral and nutrient deficiency diseases
Also induces the growth and development of the crops
Controls root not, mildew, leaf septoria, fusarium and verticillium wilt in Cannabis plants
Induces flowering and fruiting

Application Method

Shall be applied by Foliar spray / Drip irrigation

Pesclean (Crop Pest Controller)

Herbal pesticide controls over 600 species of insect pests
Having multidimensional activities (Antifeedency, feeding deterrency, ovicidal activity, Oviposition deterrency etc.)
Controls Spider mites, Fungus gnats and root aphids in Cannabis plants
Works both as contact and systemic
It is effective against insects and the all life stages of Insects
Eco-friendly, maintain the stability of soil fertility
Better shelf-life compared to other biopesticide
Nano Emulsion Technology

Application Method

Shall be applied by Foliar spray / Drip irrigation

Stimul (Biostimulant)

Mixture of various naturally derived components from sea weed, soya protein and amino acids in a ENCAPSULATED MEDIUM
Designed to be applied especially via FOLIAR
Improve shoot and root growth
Higher flowering and fruit set
Improve yield, size and quality
Enhancing of plant defence against pests and diseases

Application Method

Foliar spray / Drip irrigation

Metaman (Growth Promoter)

Bio-organic nutritional product derived from vegetable source
Promotes hormonal activity and induces their synthesis resulting into flowering and fruit setting
Enhances root initiation and improve root growth
Corrects single or multiple deficiences of nutrients
Enhances absorption of soil applied nutrients
Activates enzymatic systems of the plant

Application Method

Shall be applied by Foliar spray / Drip irrigation

Nuleaf (Liquid Foliar Fertilizer)

Broad-Spectrum liquid organic fertilizer
Made from sea weed extracts
Contains macro and micro nutrients, amino acids, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals
Formulated to go through the stomata

Application Method

Shall be applied by Foliar spray / Drip irrigation

Rhizoman (Granular Soil Enriching agent)

Contains all necessary micro, macro and trace elements required for the soil
Made from the seaweed extracts, amino acids and other components that conditions the soil
Stimulates root development
Stimulates the growth and proliferation of beneficial soil organisms
Aids in reducing soil compaction and promotes moisture retention
Improves plant photosynthetic efficiency

Application Method

Basal Application shall be applied to substrate or soil